Weight Loss

Tanya Brown, a white woman, is shown with members of her bariatrics surgery team

Bariatric weight loss surgery helps Tanya Brown 'take on the world'

With help from expert care team at Cheshire, procedure changes everything for 'rock star' grandmother

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A cartoon heart and brain depicted next to one another, with an arcing arrow pointing from the heart to the brain, and another arrow from the brain to the heart

Taking Care of Your Heart Helps Your Brain

How you treat your heart in your 20s may help your brain when you’re in your 40s and 50s. That’s the finding of a new study that looked at data of 518 participants from a long-range study on heart health.

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A person rubbing their foot

Preventing and Relieving Plantar Fasciitis Pain

People are more likely to get plantar fasciitis if they put a lot of wear and tear on their feet. Here are some tips that may help prevent plantar fasciitis.

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